Sunday Messages

Current Sermon Series:


(Click on the scripture reference for a link to the text!)

March 23, 2025
1 John 4:1-6

Throughout the history of the church, men and women have been willing to display how important the truth that Jesus came in the flesh truly was. They’ve gone to faraway countries, endured significant hardships, and even gave up their lives for this true confession. But why was it so critical? Join us as we consider how significant the True Confession is and why it brings great assurance.

March 16, 2025
Ecclesiastes 3

In his novel "A Tale of Two Cities" Charles Dickens penned the familiar phrase, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," a statement that brings to mind the extreme contrasts of human experience. Setting our eyes on God and our hearts on eternity makes a huge difference in how we can enjoy the good times and endure the bad times that will inevitably come our way!


March 9, 2025
I Corinthians 2:6-9

In recent months, I have been reveling at the great mountain of stuff the Bible has to say about the future state of believers. I have taught the Bible for 50 years, but I had no idea the Word had so much to say about this hope-giving and glorious theme! Now we will explore just a few of the mountain-tops of this fantastic subject of Scripture: The Glorious Eternity Together for all the People of God.


March 2, 2025
1 John 3:11-24

In many places of the Bible, we're shown that the life of faith leads to action. In our passage this week, the apostle John points us to a practical aspect of faith in action…a life that leads to tangible care of fellow believers in need. A high order, but one that points to God's work in us. Join us as we consider Assurance Through Brotherly Love in 1 John 3:11-24.


February 23, 2025
1 John 2:28-3:10

Whenever a child is born there is an innate desire to ask, “Who do they look like?”  It is a natural question we ask as they continue to grow. It is no different with our spiritual parentage. Join us as we consider how family resemblance produces assurance.


February 16, 2025
Ecclesiastes 2

In one of his parables, Jesus compared the worth of the Kingdom of Heaven to a man who, having stumbled upon buried treasure in a field, sold all that he had to acquire the field and its treasure. This story infers that this treasure brought the man ultimate satisfaction. It also infers that the “treasures” of this world that men and women so often seek, aside from the Kingdom of Heaven, will prove disappointing. Jesus also said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Where is your heart? Have you found satisfaction?

February 9, 2025
John 2:18-27

Have you ever found yourself talking with another person and you feel like you’re not talking about the same thing? Maybe you’re using a specific word and they seem to have a totally different understanding of what you mean; what we mean and what we say are not always the same thing. This week in 1 John 2:18-27, the apostle John will tell us how what we mean by the words we use is critical for being in fellowship with God and fellow believers. Join us as we consider this critical truth.


February 2, 2025
1 John 2:12-17

There are certain truths we can be prone to forgetting. We know it is good to floss, yet when was the last time you flossed? We know it is good to get more steps in each day, yet we invariably look for the closest parking spot. We could go on. This week in 1 John 2:12-17, we will see certain truths that are easily forgotten but critically true. Join us as we consider the Reassuring Reminders. 


January 26, 2025
Ecclesiastes 1

St. Augustine, commenting on the state of the human soul, famously said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” In all likelihood, he was probably echoing the thoughts of Solomon, the writer of Ecclesiastes. Join us as Pastor Craig begins a study of this Old Testament book.


January 19, 2025
 1 John 2:3-11

When a reality is true there is evidence to support that fact. How does that correspond when something is invisible? You look for other things that indicate it. In 1 John 2:3-11 the apostle John gives us a key indicator of the reality of “coming to know Him (God)”. Join us Sunday as we consider the indicators of this assurance. 


January 12, 2025
 1 John 1:5-2:2

A relationship in harmony is a beautiful and joyful thing. We all love when our relationships are in harmony. It is no different with our relationship with God. But how is this maintained? This week John gives us several means of assurance to know our relationship with God is in harmony. Join us as we look at 1 John 1:5-2:2.


January 5, 2025
 1 John 1:1-4

As we begin to dive into our study on 1 John, the apostle John is going to give us the basis for all that he writes about in this short epistle. He gives us the foundation of his message of assurance. How can we be certain of what he writes throughout the letter? He gives us the basis of why we can trust his message. Join us as we consider 1 John 1:1-4.


December 29, 2024
 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

When we compare two apparently similar things, there often can be a stark contrast when we spend the time and actually consider the two. In 2 Corinthians 3:7-18, the Apostle Paul does just that, and what a contrast there is. Join us as we look at this passage and consider how Beholding a Better Glory will lead to an amazing outcome.



December 22, 2024
 Hebrews 1:1-14

As we near Christmas Day, let's remember the God that loves us so much that He sent us His Son to be our Savior, our example.  And yet, let's also remember that Jesus has Supremacy over all.


December 15, 2024
 Philippians 2:5-11

Our hope this week is that we would gain a deeper appreciation and wonder of the true MAJESTY and depth of Christmas that compels us to worship Christ Jesus the Lord!


December 8, 2024
John 1:1-18

When we consider the Christmas story, we are brought into the grand story of God entering into HIS creation to reveal himself to humanity. This is an astounding reality that John introduces us to in the introduction of his Gospel. Join us as we consider what Jesus reveals to us according to John 1:1-18.


December 1, 2024
Colossians 1:15-23

Ah, Christmas! – a time to reflect on a sweet baby lying in a manger. But Jesus was so much more than an ordinary child! Have you ever heard someone remark, “It’s all a matter of perspective?” In the Sci-fi comedy movie, “Men In Black,” the entire Milky Way galaxy was contained in a marble-sized jewel. How much greater the incongruity of an infinite, omnipotent Creator being housed in a human body! Join us this Sunday as we begin a new sermon series, “Majesty in the Manger.”



November 24, 2024
Ephesians 6:21-24

“I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage your hearts.“  Ephesians 6:22


November 17, 2024
Assorted Scriptures

Special message - part 4 - Have you ever heard people deny the Faith because, they say, the Bible contains mistakes and contradictions? How would you respond? Charles Ryrie, a professor of Systematic Theology, has noted, "Without a proper doctrine of Christ, there really is no Christian faith. But without a reliable Bible, how can we be certain that our understanding of Christ is correct? If all the doctrines of the Bible were like dominoes standing in a line, then obviously the credibility of the Bible would stand first in line.” 


November 10, 2024
Assorted Scriptures

Special message - part 3 - How has God made Himself known to all peoples and through all periods? What sets the writings of the Bible apart from, say, those of Islam, Buddhism, and other religions, or even those inspired by the great literary geniuses of history? Join us!


November 3, 2024
Ephesians 6:10-20

There are certain realities that are invisible to us; things that are invisible to the “naked eye” or go unnoticed by our 5 senses, and yet are 100% real. In Ephesians 6:10-20, we are presented with the reality that we face an invisible enemy and we are locked in an invisible war. Join us as we consider how to respond to The Invisible War. 


October 27, 2024
Ephesians 6:5-9

What do we do when we come to an instructive passage that seems to bear little connection to our modern circumstances? How do we move from the ancient context to our modern one? This week we look at a passage that causes us to consider such things. We will look at Paul’s exhortations to slaves and masters, something that feels so foreign to us. Join us as we dive into Christ-Centered Service.


October 20, 2024
Assorted Scripture

Special message - part 2- “The DaVinci Code” by author Dan Brown became a massive worldwide bestseller that sold 25 million copies in the first two years of its release and has been translated into 44 languages. Although the plot is acknowledged to be fictitious, the novel makes historical claims that stand against Christianity and have cast doubt on the integrity of the Scriptures, such as appealing to the so-called “lost books” of the Bible. Have we been missing something? Join us as we deal with the trustworthiness of the Bible!


October 13, 2024
Assorted Scripture

Special message - part 1 - This Sunday, Pastor Craig will begin a 4-part series on the Doctrine of Scripture. He will be teaching this series on the Sundays that Pastor Jon is out of town.  


October 6, 2024
Ephesians 6:1-4

The world and culture in which we grow up and reside influence us in incredible ways. Oftentimes in imperceptible ways. We don’t even realize it. When it comes to parent-child relationships this is equally true, but what does Scripture teach about these critical relationships? Join us as we consider A Faith-filled Family from Ephesians 6:1-4.


September 29, 2024
Ephesians 5:22-33

Have you ever watched a couple dance who knew what they were doing? They make it look effortless. But then others look painful. This week in our series in Ephesians, we turn to a well-known passage, Ephesians 5:22-33, where Paul presents the implications of Walking Worthy in the marriage relationship; a union that has the profound ability to beautifully present the Gospel. Read up and join us as we consider A Beautiful Mystery.  


September 22, 2024
Ephesians 5:15-21

Life is perpetually filled with choices. Some choices are good and others not so much. Some are clear cut and others require thoughtful consideration. As people who are called to walk in a manner worthy of our calling, how do we faithfully pursue that task? This week, Paul gives us some critical advice on how to do it. Join us as we consider Walking Worthy.


September 15, 2024
Ephesians 5:3-14

When Jesus taught the Sermon on the Mount he declared to his followers, "You are the light of the world". This is an incredible image to describe the new reality of the believer. But what does this reality look like in everyday life? Join us as we look at what it means to "be light".


September 8, 2024
Ephesians 4:25-5:2

Understanding who we are is more important than we might think. It overflows into every area of our lives, including our interpersonal relationships. In Putting On The New - Part 2, we will see how Paul shows us that our identity informs how we live in community with other believers as we embrace our NEW family resemblance.


September 1, 2024
Ephesians 4:17-24

A radical change necessitates a radical new way of living. Paul switches gears from a united church to individually living out this radical change that took place. What does that practically look like and what does it mean as we relate to the world? Join us as we look at “Putting On The New.”


August 25, 2024
Ephesians 4:11-16

In Ephesians 4:7-10, we were told that Christ distributed gifts to his people. What was the purpose behind his giving of gifts? Now we will see Christ's purpose for distributing gifts to believers. Join us as we see Gifts With A Purpose in Ephesians 4:11-16.

August 18, 2024
Proverbs 6:1-19

Special message - Solomon, who wrote most of the Proverbs, said elsewhere, “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9). So it is with human nature, that today we are prone to the same temptations and mistakes as our forbearers, and Proverbs continues to provide timely advice in practical matters.


August 11, 2024
Matthew 7:24-29

Special message - All week at Breaker Rock Beach VBS, the kids learned that God’s truth never changes. The world around us is filled with shifting foundations and truths. But God’s truth, revealed in his word, never changes. Join us as we consider how to build our lives upon God’s Unchanging Truth.  


August 4, 2024
Proverbs 4:10-19

Special message - If you have tuned into the Olympics this week you will have observed “passing the torch” that announces the games, a tradition that dates back to ancient Greece where athletes would pass the torch to one another, bearing that light until the winner reached the finish line. More broadly, “passing the torch” refers to transferring responsibilities from one person to another. So also, Jesus said that we glorify God when we “let our light shine before others” by the witness of a life transformed by Jesus Christ, with the responsibility of passing the gospel of the one true light, Jesus, to others.


July 28, 2024
Ephesians 4:7-10

When Christ died on the cross, he won a great victory. Now in the church, that victory continues to be displayed. Join us as we look at Christ’s victory parade and its implications.


July 21, 2024
Ephesians 4:1-6

Jesus prayed for his disciples and all who believe in him to live in unity. But what does that look like practically? What is the source of that unity? Join us as we look at Ephesians 4:1-6 and Paul’s compelling call to unity where he encourages the church to live out that prayer.


July 14, 2024
Ephesians 3:20-21

There are times when our brains fail to comprehend things; we simply can’t fully grasp the reality of the situation. This is most true about God; he is beyond our comprehension. This reality moves Paul to make an exclamation of praise. Join us as we consider Paul’s Overwhelming Expansive Doxology.


July 7, 2024
Titus 2:11-3:8

Special message - God has given us amazing Grace in His Loving Kindness towards us so that we respond with devoted good works. Let’s enjoy the truth of God’s Word together.


June 30, 2024
Ephesians 3:14-19

In The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan portrayed the Christian life as a journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City, a journey filled with many troubles along the way. In OUR Christian life, we will experience troubles, yet there are certain truths that will enable us to reach our intended destination. Join us as we consider how the Apostle Paul prays for the Ephesians to know and experience these truths. (Due to technical difficulties there is no audio available.)

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June 23, 2024
Ephesians 3:1-13

Great stories often have big reveals in them. Things that totally catch us by surprise and shock us. The grand story of redemption is no different. In this message, we will consider how God's Mysterious Plan is unveiled in Christ and the church.


June 16, 2024
Ephesians 2:11-22

Last week we saw our former condition and the radical transformation that God causes in the lives of believers moving them from spiritual life in Christ. This week we see another dramatic change in the lives of believers as God performs The Great Tear Down. A tear down that makes skyscraper demolitions look like small potatoes.  


June 9, 2024
Ephesians 2:1-10

John Newton was so astounded by the grace of God and the reality of God’s love that it led him to write the hymn “Amazing Grace.” It begins with “Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.” When we grasp the reality of the radical transformation God works in us, it changes everything.  Dig in to Ephesians 2:1-10 as we consider God’s grace towards us.


June 2, 2024
Proverbs 3:1-12

Special message - God’s purpose is to mold us into the character of His Son, Jesus Christ, so as to live in a manner worthy of the name “Christian”. To aid us in our journey, the Book of Proverbs provides us with sayings of the wise that, when followed, put us in a position to reap the blessings of our Lord.  


May 26, 2024
Ephesians 1:15-23

When we pray for others, what informs the content of our prayers? Do we simply pray for good health and physical provision or are we moved to pray for deeper things? This week we look at one of Paul’s prayers for the church in Ephesus and will consider how his example can inform our own prayers.


May 19, 2024
James 1:5-12

Special message - Part 2 (continued from May 5th). We pray that this will be reflective and challenging, but most importantly, an encouragement in times of trouble… Lord, cause us to be people who, when squeezed, bless those around us when they see our joy.


May 12, 2024
Proverbs 2:1-10

Special message - There is hidden treasure in the Scriptures if one is willing to dig for it! For example, the emphasis of the Book of Proverbs is the attaining of one such treasure--wisdom--and so we can reasonably suppose that God has given us clear directions about 1) how it is to be gained, and 2) the benefits we derive from it. 


May 5, 2024
James 1:2-4

Special message - Part 1. We pray that this will be reflective and challenging, but most importantly, an encouragement in times of trouble… Lord, cause us to be people who, when squeezed, bless those around us when they see our joy.


April 28, 2024
Ephesians 1:11-14

The apostle Paul continues on describing the grand nature of our salvation and the assurance of God picking us before the foundation of the earth. But how can we be certain of this reality that we don't yet fully experience? How do we REALLY know we're adopted? In verses 11-14, he points us to how we can rest assured. Join us as we consider Our Grand Inheritance.


April 21, 2024
Ephesians 1:7-10

Sometimes we view God a bit like ourselves. We view him as being reactionary to circumstances, yet Scripture reveals he has a plan that he put in place before he created anything. This week our passage puts this Glorious plan on display.


April 14, 2024
Ephesians 1:3-6

As Paul transitions from the greeting to his letter he begins with a declaration of praise. He declares to us how amazing God is and what he has done. This week we turn our attention to the love the Father has as demonstrated in Christ. Join us for this beautiful declaration of God’s overwhelming love. 


April 7, 2024
Ephesians 1:1-2

The book of Ephesians was described by one commentary this way: “Ephesians is truly an amazing and wonderful letter. Its few pages cover an extraordinary range of theological topics with clarity and precision.” As we jump into this epistle of Paul’s, we will see even in the greeting, that he jumps right in with extraordinary depth.


March 31, 2024
Luke 24:1-49

This is not what they expected to find. They expected to find his body. They were prepared for a body. THIS is NOT what they were prepared for, and it changed everything radically. On Easter Sunday we celebrate the RESURRECTION of our savior.


March 24, 2024
Luke 23:46

With his final breath, Jesus expressed the culmination of a life lived in perfect obedience to his Father, a life yielded without exception to the will of God. His was (and is) a soul completely at peace with stepping over the threshold of physical death and remains an example for all who follow him!


March 17, 2024
John 19:30

At the end, just before he breathes his last breath, Jesus declares, "It is finished." It appears to be a moment of utter defeat. Yet, Jesus makes this victorious cry. Join us as we dive into The Victorious Word.


March 10, 2024
John 19:28-29

We have all gone through moments where we have felt lacking, where we are reminded of our humanness. In his dying moment, Jesus expresses the same sentiment as he declares, "I thirst." It is an expression of his humanness. Join us as we consider his Languishing Word.


March 3, 2024
Matthew 27:45-46

When we face difficulties and suffering, our natural tendency is to use whatever resources we have to circumvent all things unpleasant. Sometimes we succeed, but sometimes it is God’s plan that we should go through the valleys rather than around them. How can we cope when God seems absent?

February 25, 2024
John 19:16b–27

Death is an unpleasant thing. But it is something we must prepare for; it is a necessity. One thing we must do is to prepare for those we care for after we are gone. In his dying moments, Jesus does just this for his mother. Join us as we consider Jesus’s Providing Word. 


February 18, 2024
Luke 23:32-43

How can the simple words of a dying man give us the kind of hope that enables us to face whatever hard things come our way with peace, assurance, and (yes!) even joy? Listen in and find out!


February 11, 2024
Luke 23:32-38

New Sermon Series - The Seven Words

What do you do when someone hurts or wrongs you? What is your immediate response? During his last moments before his death, Jesus offers seven statements from the cross. This week we consider the first of those statements, one in which he prays for the forgiveness of those who crucify him. How incredible!! Join us as we consider “The Forgiving Word.”


February 4, 2024
Daniel 12:4-13

This week we conclude our series Daniel: Signs and Symbols of Sovereignty. In this passage, we will see the themes that the book has reinforced repeatedly throughout. Themes that should bring us great comfort no matter our circumstances. Join us as we wrap up this fascinating, perplexing and encouraging book of the Old Testament.


January 28, 2024
2 Corinthians 3:1-6

An oft-repeated statement that those of our Faith hear is, "You are the only Bible that some may ever read." Similarly, the apostle Paul noted that Christians are like a "letter...known and read by all"--a serious responsibility indeed! But do you realize that we are also commissioned to be "authors"? 


January 21, 2024
Daniel 11:36-12:3

Sometimes it can be difficult to keep things in perspective. There are times when the world just seems to be a mess or our life is falling apart. What do we do when things go from bad to worse? This week we look at the encouragement of the angel to Daniel, which is "keep it all in perspective". Join us as we consider this critical truth.


January 14, 2024
Daniel 11:1-35

If you could know the future would you want to? If you could see down the corridor of time and see good and bad would you take the chance? We don't have that ability, but God who knows all things and holds it all in his hands does and uses it for HIS purposes. Join us as we consider Daniel 11:1-35 and how it reveals these profound truths. 


January 7, 2024
Daniel 10

Most of humanity goes about living each day blithely unaware of an unseen struggle for their souls, held between forces that are either good and God-glorifying on the one hand, or evil and bent on our destruction on the other. In Daniel chapter 10, we get a glimpse into the activity of this invisible realm. What does this all have to do with you and me, and our relationship with Jesus Christ? Listen in!


December 31, 2023
Philippians 4:10-13

God does not promise you an easy life. But neither does he call you to endure life's hardships alone. Even in times of plenty, there can be a struggle to value our blessings more than our God who gives the blessings. But even then, God promises to preserve his people, to not let them go. Join us as we look at Philippians 4:10-13, which shows us how we can endure hardships or experience riches, all with contentment in the Lord.


December 24, 2023 - Advent Message
Matthew 1:18-25

He's here! The time for his arrival has finally come. The one who had been long hoped for has finally arrived. Join us as we celebrate the arrival of Jesus.


December 17, 2023 - Advent Message
Jeremiah 31:31-40

The history of Israel hasn't always been hunky dory. It has often been filled with disappointment and let down. In this message, we turn to the hope that is promised during their greatest period of disappointment, the deportation of the people. Join us as we look at the striking promise of the New Covenant found in Jeremiah 31.


December 10, 2023 - Advent Message
2 Samuel 7:1-17

The Old Testament has been described as “a story in search of an ending.” At Christmas time, we celebrate the culmination and fulfillment of that hope and expectation.  This year during Advent we will consider how Christ is the fulfillment of these hopes and expectations.


December 3, 2023 - Advent Message
Matthew 1:1-17

The Old Testament has been described as “a story in search of an ending.” At Christmas time, we celebrate the culmination and fulfillment of that hope and expectation.  This year during Advent we will consider how Christ is the fulfillment of these hopes and expectations.


November 26, 2023
Daniel 9

James, the Lord's brother, wrote, "The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working." (James 5:16b). In our passage this week we see that on display, however, it comes with a surprising answer. Join us as we look at Daniel's prayer of petition and God's response.


November 19, 2023
Psalm 107

During this season of Thanksgiving, we could all name many things we are thankful for besides a full plate of rich food. What about troubles?! The prophet Isaiah observed, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned–every one–to his own way...” Our highest gratitude should be toward our Lord who, like a concerned shepherd, uses whatever means are necessary (even troubles) to restore us to Himself.


November 12, 2023
Daniel 8

Another terrifying vision, another little horn, some more animals. Is the record broken? Is Daniel just stuck on repeat? Nope! Consider this NEW vision Daniel is given in chapter 8.


November 5, 2023
Daniel 7

"Transformers - more than meets the eye!" went the jingle of the popular cartoon show from the 80's. Hidden behind their vehicular disguises were the Autobots and Decepticons, and a war was taking place. In Daniel chapter 7, we are presented with the truth, the reality, that there is more going on than what we can see with the naked human eye. Join us as we consider the hidden truths revealed in Daniel chapter 7.


October 29, 2023
Daniel 6

We live in a world that at times will be hostile towards us. There are many reasons for that; sometimes it is because of our faith. What do we do when we find ourselves facing opposition because of our faith? This week we're presented with Daniel's example. Join us as we consider Daniel and The Lord's Den.


October 22, 2023
Daniel 4-5

When human pride goes unchecked, it brings about an abundance of pain, hurt, and destruction. This week, we will look at the LORD confronting two prideful men in arrogance, and two different responses.


October 15, 2023
2 Kings 3:1-20

Once more: Faith that can be trusted must be tested. How can you know whether a difficulty you encounter is a test or a temptation, and how should a believer respond to one or the other? Join us to see how the prophet Elisha serves as an example in navigating such waters!


October 8, 2023
Joshua 1:1-9

Again, for emphasis (from another part of Scripture): Trials are an inevitable and necessary part of a believer’s life, so they should not catch us entirely by surprise (1 Pet. 4:12). Like it or not, faith that can be trusted must be tested, but we have the assurance that our Lord will always be present with us in the midst of the wilderness!


October 1, 2023
Daniel 3:1-30

Trials are an inevitable and necessary part of a believer’s life, so they should not catch us entirely by surprise (1 Pet. 4:12); what we can’t know is when and what form they will come. Like it or not, faith that can be trusted must be tested, but we have the assurance that our Lord will always be present with us in the midst of the fire!


September 24, 2023
Daniel 2:25-49

The dream has been revealed to Daniel and he now has the opportunity to reveal to the King the dream and its interpretation. What is his disturbing dream and what does it reveal? This week we will see what God showed both the king and Daniel. Join us as we consider the rest of Daniel chapter 2.


September 17, 2023
Daniel 2:1-24

What do we do when we're face to face with an impossible situation? Where do we turn? Who do we seek help from? In Daniel chapter 2 we are presented with Daniel's example on how to handle such situations. Join us as we consider how Daniel faces his impossible situation with faith.


September 10, 2023
Daniel 1:1-21

This week we jump into the book of Daniel, a fascinating glimpse into God's sovereignty over the course of human events. If God was behind the curtains in Esther, he is center stage in the book of Daniel. Join us as we kick off this series, Daniel: Signs and Symbols of Sovereignty.


September 3, 2023
Luke 13:1-9

An old Baptist slogan says that “we are saved to serve.” Do you agree? If being useful to God is important, how do we increase our spiritual productivity?


August 27, 2023
Luke 18:1-8

The world is broken and we have an inherent longing for things to be set right. People everywhere want to see and experience justice. A world without justice is a world we recoil against. So, what do we do when we are faced with a broken world? Jesus calls us to pray in a specific way. Join us as we consider A Parable about Persistent Prayer.

August 20, 2023
Luke 12:13-21

How have you handled the assets you’ve acquired, and what kind of portfolio will you be carrying into heaven some day? As Jesus reveals in Luke chapter 12, our investments can yield eternal dividends or nothing at all depending on whether we handle them wisely or foolishly.


August 13, 2023
Matthew 20:1-16

If heaven is promised for those who know Christ (and it is), do you sometimes wonder whether a whole-hearted commitment to serving Him is worth the sacrifices it might entail? God never promised that following Jesus would be easy, only worth it!


August 6, 2023
Luke 16:1-13

We turn to one of Jesus's more perplexing parables that he tells, one in which a dishonest person is praised. What do we take away from this parable? What does Jesus want us to learn and do?


July 30, 2023
Matthew 18:21-35

Forgiveness does not come naturally, but the alternative to forgiving one who has offended us is receiving a nagging weight since thereafter we truly “carry” a burden. Jesus offers the solution and the means to accomplish it!


July 23, 2023
Luke 14:25-35

What will it cost? Will I have enough to complete it? Will I succeed in these efforts? All these questions are perfectly logical in many areas of life. This week, we return to our parables series and look at two parables about counting the cost of discipleship. Join us as we look at Counting the Cost.   

July 16, 2023
Ephesians 6:10-20

In an effort to put off the certainty of death, our society’s preoccupation with health and fitness has never been stronger. It is sadly ironic that so little concern is given to preparing for what happens after we die, yet this is a subject that Jesus frequently dealt with and warned about the severe consequences of being spiritually unprepared.

July 9, 2023
Matthew 13:44-46

This week we turn to two parables told by Jesus that seem as if they belong on modern American TV, whether it be American Pickers or Antique Road Show. He's going to tell us about the value of the Kingdom and two people who encounter it. Join us as we consider Parables About The Kingdom's Worth. (recorded at the church picnic)

July 2, 2023
Matthew 13:24-50

In an effort to put off the certainty of death, our society’s preoccupation with health and fitness has never been stronger. It is sadly ironic that so little concern is given to preparing for what happens after we die, yet this is a subject that Jesus frequently dealt with and warned about the severe consequences of being spiritually unprepared.


June 25, 2023
Luke 14:12-24

Who could deny that a gospel that promises eternal life is good news? Though God “so loves the world” and offers so great a salvation to all, the invitation alone does not guarantee participation in heaven!


June 18, 2023
Luke 15

We've all experienced it, maybe even this week, that unfortunate situation where we've lost something. Sometimes we lose insignificant things (i.e. $5 gas station sunglasses) and other times we lose something of great value. When something of great value is lost and then found, it creates in us a distinct feeling of celebration. But what is our response when THE most valuable thing is found? That's the question this week's parable poses to us. Join us as we consider the Parable of Lost Things.


June 11, 2023
Mark 4:26-29

Last week we looked at Jesus’s parable about the four soils and his call to sow indiscriminately. This week we will turn to another parable about sowing but this one urges us to an adjacent perspective about the task. Join us as we consider this parable found exclusively in Mark.


June 4, 2023
Mark 4:1-25

This week we begin our summer series through a variety of Jesus's parables. We kick this week off by looking at the Parable of the Soils where Jesus teaches on the varying responses to the Word of God. Join us as we consider how this parable applies in a variety of ways to us and those around us.


May 28, 2023
Esther 9:20-10:3

Complete deliverance has come, but how should the people live in light of their deliverance? This week as we close the book of Esther, we will see how the Jews go about celebrating and remembering God's providential deliverance. Listen in for this last message in our series.


May 21, 2023
Esther 8:1-9:19

The main antagonist has now reaped the seeds of destruction that he had sown. But the threat to the Jewish people remains. In Esther  5-7 we saw the fall of Haman but how will God reverse the edict that cannot be repealed? Join us as we see how God continues his deliverance of the Jewish people in Esther 8:1-9:19.


May 14, 2023
Esther 5:9-7:10

The English hymn writer, William Cowper, wrote “God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform.” When all seems hopeless, our sovereign Lord is able to turn what seems to be “ashes” into something of beauty (Isa. 61:3), or otherwise engineer a reversal of fortunes to accomplish His will. Such is remarkably seen in the story of Esther, and especially in chapters 5, 6, and 7. Please be encouraged to read this portion of the scriptures for this message.


May 7, 2023
Esther 4:1-5:8

In the providence of God, He not only watches us, but He watches over us, so that, to those who love God and conform to His purpose, all things work together for good. We each are pieces in His grand scheme of things and are called to play a part.


April 30, 2023
Esther 3

Romans 13:1 says "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." So what is a faithful believer to do when authorities make unjust or ungodly laws? How is God providentially at work even in those? This week we look to the example of Mordecai and the consequences of his faithful obedience as we consider The Faithful, the Wicked, & the Lord.


April 23, 2023
Esther 2

The wheels have been set in motion for the events of the book of Esther to begin to unfold. This week we are introduced to our two primary human protagonists. As we're introduced to Esther and Mordecai, we will see how they respond to their circumstances as we continue to see the fingerprints of God's providence all over the place. Read Esther 2 to prepare your hearts and minds.

April 16, 2023
Esther 1

One aspect of faith, according to Hebrews 11:1, is “the conviction of things not seen.” That is, we are admonished to believe even when we don’t see God working in and around us. That can be a daunting challenge, especially when things in our lives seem to be “going south.” We are beginning a study through the Book of Esther, about a young woman and her people who faced such a situation. Their example of God’s faithfulness should encourage us!

April 9, 2023, Resurrection Sunday
1 Corinthians 15

We all have moments in our lives that have dramatically transformed us. Maybe it was a baby born, wedding or death. We can also think of events that set humanity on a new trajectory (the invention of the light bulb or printing press). But there is only one event that has transformed individuals, society, humanity, and even eternity-The Resurrection. Join us as we look at 1 Corinthians 15 and consider the resurrection of Christ and how it changes everything.


April 2, 2023
Jonah 4:1-11

Jonah has just experienced every preacher's dream. He preached a message of repentance and EVERYONE responded! A massive revival has taken place. How will Jonah respond? Where is his heart? Read Jonah 4 to prepare for this message as we consider The Lord's Merciful Object Lesson and how it challenges Jonah's heart.


March 26, 2023
Jonah 3:1-10

The reluctant prophet finds himself back on dry land and the Lord will continue to show how he's not done with Jonah. This week, we get a glimpse at one of the greatest revivals in history and how it reveals God's mercy. Read Jonah chapter 3 and join us as we consider Revival and the Relenting Lord.


March 19, 2023
Jonah 1:17-2:10

Well, the reluctant (or rather rebellious) prophet now finds himself in the depths of the sea on the brink of death. This is the outcome of his response to when God said "go" and he said "no". What will the prophet do now that he find himself about to die? Read Jonah 1:17-2:10 as we will consider Jonah's response to the Lord's Severe Mercy. See you then!


March 12, 2023
Jonah 1:1-16

The Old Testament contains many memorable events; there is the Flood, the parting of the Red Sea, David verse Goliath, and many more. One that many people know is Jonah and the fish. This week we begin our series through the book of Jonah where we will look at this short book about God's redemptive desires and a prophet who doesn't want to play along. Join us as we look at this dramatic little book.


March 5, 2023
Psalm 49

In our materialistic culture, it’s a message that is trumpeted by the media, tantalizes us with commercials, and is even touted from many pulpits across the land: prosperity is the way to happiness. But where does it all lead and how can one find rest for the soul?


February 26, 2023
Psalm 139

How do you say I love you without using those words?  Psalm 139 shows us how much God loves us by how He sees us and how He interacts with us.  This is an encouraging Psalm for when we are anxious, depressed or feeling lost.  It's an encouraging Psalm when we want to praise Him and things are going great!


February 19, 2023
Psalm 42

That a believing soul should experience serious bouts of despondency flies in the face of so much of the shallow, uber-positive preaching we see today, but actually accords with the experiences of many of the great names in Scripture and Christian history. How does the psalmist relate?


February 12, 2023
Psalm 145

There are many things and people and events that may evoke the term “Great/Greatness”, and rightfully so. At the end of the day, however, what is the ultimate measure of Greatness? Psalm 145 gives perspective and gives us words when our own words fail to capture the depths of our hearts. When all is said and done, who really is the G.O.A.T.? 


February 5, 2023
Psalm 51

This week we turn our attention to a song of David where his sin, his greatest sins, are staring him in the face. We've all been there when our sin was staring us in the face. Join us as we look to Psalm 51 and hear the song of the penitent, which leads us in how to be restored to God even after we've made a mess of things.


January 29, 2023
Psalm 84

We often describe life as a journey, but when we think of journeys they include a destination. And when we think of our eventual destination, it can fuel us for the journey. This week as we look at Psalm 84, we will see how the longing to be in the Lord's presence fuels the Psalmist for his journey.


January 22, 2023
Psalm 23

Probably the best-known verse of scripture in the Bible is John 3:16, but surely the most popular passage is the 23rd Psalm. In this message, we’ll be looking at the analogies of how shepherds care for their flock and how the Lord cares for His people.


January 15, 2023
Psalm 8

The songwriter Jimmy Owens wrote, “Our God is far greater than words can make known; Exalted, and holy, He reigns on His throne.  In infinite splendor, He rules over all, Yet he feeds the poor sparrows and He knows when they fall.”  It is truly mind-boggling to comprehend that such a mighty being could be concerned–let alone love–such insignificant creatures like sparrows (and us!), yet that is exactly what the psalmist informs us about Him! 


January 8, 2023
Psalm 19

When it comes to life, seeing things clearly is critical. But with so many sources and places we can get information from how do we discern what is actually true? This week we will look at Psalm 19 and see how this ancient song points us to the only true source of perfect knowledge. Join us as we continue our series in the book of Psalms.  


January 1, 2023
Psalm 1

As the new year begins, our minds are invariably drawn to what we hope to accomplish in the coming year. It is an innate human desire to increase in success and prosperity.  No one starts the year thinking, “I hope I’m less successful or less prosperous this year.” But how do we find and define true success and prosperity? Join us as we begin our 10-week series in the Psalms and we will look at what Psalm 1 has to say about true success.


December 25, 2022
Isaiah 7:14

“God with us” - what an incredible promise. The promise of God’s presence with his people. No longer would the people be separated from God. Join us as we celebrate the coming of God in the flesh. Celebrate Christmas morning! 


December 18, 2022
Isaiah 9:1-7

“Peace on Earth” is a popular expression on many Christmas cards, echoing the angelic announcement at the birth of Christ in the gospel of Luke. But so often we are tempted to agree with the writer of a popular Christmas carol who admitted, "For hate is strong, and mocks the song of peace on earth, good will to men!" So why is Jesus called “The Prince of Peace” in the Book of Isaiah? Listen in as that question is answered!


December 11, 2022
Isaiah 9:1-7

As we move into the third week of our Advent series, we've already considered the names attributed to Christ in Isaiah 9:6. We've seen the names Wonderful Counselor and Mighty God. Beautiful names that remind us of Christ's amazing plans and his incomparable power. This week we turn to a name that is a bit perplexing, Everlasting Father. Join us as we look at how this name brings us hope as we prepare our hearts.


December 4, 2022
Isaiah 9:1-7

Last week we began our series on the various prophetic titles attributed to Christ in the book of Isaiah with Wonderful Counselor, which encouraged us to trust God’s words and plans. This week we continue our study by looking at the title Mighty God. Join us as we consider the deeds that reveal God’s unparalleled might.


November 27, 2022
Isaiah 9:1-7

The arrival of the Messiah was an event long anticipated. In the midst of that waiting, God spoke through the prophet Isaiah promising to the nation of Israel, and the whole world, the coming of one who would be called by several names. This advent season (Advent means coming or arrival) we will look at the 5 names given in Isaiah’s prophetic book of the one who arrived. Join us as we consider the first from Isaiah 9:6, Wonderful Counselor.


November 20, 2022
Philippians 4:10-23

Like the character Christian in “Pilgrim’s Progress,” our faith will be tested as we journey through life. For us to persevere and find contentment, it is critical for us to draw on the resources God has given us–the confidence we can have in His providence and the support of other travelers.


November 13, 2022
Philippians 4:1-9

As the book of Philippians draws to a close, Paul encourages his dearly loved friends to one major exhortation and offers several ways they can do that. As always, Paul's entire line of thinking is rooted in the Gospel. Join us as we consider how Paul instructs us to Stand Firm in the Gospel.


November 6, 2022
Philippians 3:12-21

The Christian life was never meant to be stagnant, but a continual process of growth toward maturity and to reach a goal that has already been set before us. But how does one measure one’s progress, and what are the marks of a mature faith?


October 30, 2022
Philippians 3:1-11

From the time of our youth the world bombards us with the encouragement to be "successful"--usually meaning that we should strive for more money, more possessions, more influence, etc. But what matters to God? What priorities would He have us set for our lives to achieve what is truly valuable? 


October 23, 2022
Philippians 2:19-30

In Philippians 2:1-11, Paul encourages the believers to have the same mind of Christ among themselves, a worthy exhortation. Yet sometimes we struggle to move such from the theoretical to the practical. In our passage, Philippians 2:19-30, Paul gives them three examples they actually knew and had seen with their own eyes. Lets consider these tangible Christ-like examples.


October 16, 2022
Philippians 2:12-18

Valley View (and all churches that call on the name of Jesus) is called to live out the Gospel in the midst of this very confusing (confused!) generation we find ourselves in. As individuals, it may be tough to accept or appreciate, yet as a church, we thrive! How do we know this? We are alive and breathing and called according to His Purpose (and Pleasure!!!). In this that we are ‘United in Joy’.


October 9, 2022
1 Corinthians 9:24-25

Special speaker Tom Waller with The Mentors’ Forum & Summit Tea. Here for our Missions Focus Weekend!


October 2, 2022
Philippians 2:1-11

People can be united by a shared love for a sports team, a political cause, a love for Lord of the Rings, or any number of things. What draws them together and unites them is a shared connection. But is the church the same? What draws the people of God together and unites them in a body of believers? Join us as we consider the true source of Gospel Unity in God's Community.


September 25, 2022
Philippians 1:27-30

There is surely strength in numbers. When we, as believers, stand together and strive together with one mind and heart, we will be able to confront and resist the challenges that face us, all to the glory of God.


September 18, 2022
Philippians 1:12-26

Life gives us unexpected (and often unwanted) twists and turns, but when we followers of Christ firmly believe in God's loving oversight and our ultimate destiny, we can rejoice and be "more than conquerors." 


September 11, 2022
Philippians 1:1-11

As Paul begins his letter to the church in Philippi, he expresses a heartfelt prayer for them. In his words, we can sense his genuine love and affection for the church. Through his prayer, you can discern what he desires and longs for them to experience, which sets forth an example for them and us. Join us as we begin our 10 week series through the book of Philippians. 


September 4, 2022
Assorted Scriptures

The Bible is clear that this life is not all that there is; that death is but a doorway into another kind of conscious existence that will last forever in one of two realms. Yet, for so many, the knowledge of this all-important subject is overlooked and underappreciated, although it lies at the very heart of Christianity.


August 28, 2022
Ephesians 1:3-14

Our omnipotent, all-knowing God exercises sovereign rule over all things;  whether it be life and death, the world of nature, or human affairs, nothing is beyond His control.  At the same time, He expresses His benevolence and love by watching over those who belong to Him like an invisible hand that provides direction, protection, and sustaining grace. 


August 21, 2022
Assorted Scriptures

Our omnipotent, all-knowing God exercises sovereign rule over all things;  whether it be life and death, the world of nature, or human affairs, nothing is beyond His control.  At the same time, He expresses His benevolence and love by watching over those who belong to Him like an invisible hand that provides direction, protection, and sustaining grace. 


August 14, 2022
Assorted Scriptures

John Newton, the writer of the famous hymn Amazing Grace, once said, “I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world; but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am.” What is this that he is pointing us to and expressing? Here we will consider the topic of sanctification and how it is a means of God's grace to us.


August 7, 2022
Romans 3:21-28

A breach–an impassable gulf–was opened between man and God in the Garden of Eden when our first ancestors sinned and asserted their independence. The Lord, it would seem, was faced with an impossible dilemma: would he condemn his guilty creatures and in so doing forsake his love for them or simply pardon them and violate his divine justice? How can we be put in right standing with God?


July 31, 2022
Psalm 98

When we think about God what do we think? What ideas come to mind and what response does it cause in us? This week at Vacation Bible Camp the children have been told about how our awesome God does impossible things. Join us as we continue with this theme and consider Our Wonderful Marvelous God and our response to him.


July 24, 2022
Romans 3:9-20

The world is a broken place. There isn’t much debate about that fact, but many differ on the cause and solution to the problem. When we know the cause of a problem we are able to look for the right solution. Join us as we consider the doctrine of the sin and how that reveals the right answers to the problem.


July 10, 2022
Assorted Scriptures

In a world or society that seems to be spinning out of control, it is nonetheless comforting to realize–at least to we who believe–that there is a supreme power and authority behind it all who governs, directs, restrains, and advances nations and individuals to his desired and perfect ends.


July 3, 2022
2 Corinthians 5:1-10

By his perfect life and death on the cross, Jesus earned eternal life for his people. But as Christians, we still live in this foreign world, full of pain and suffering and death. What happened to our inheritance of eternal life in the new creation? Join us as we hear from God's Word and the hope we have right now through the Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee and foretaste of what Jesus promises to us. 


June 26, 2022
Assorted Scriptures

In the Gospel of John, while in the upper room, Jesus tells the disciples that they would have rejoiced if they understood his leaving properly. Then later in the meal, Jesus tells them that it is to their advantage that he goes away. This seems like a perplexing thought to us. How could it be good for the disciples, or us, that he go away? Wouldn't it be better for him to remain on earth after his resurrection? Join us as we consider the implications of Jesus' ascension and how it is to our benefit.


June 19, 2022
Luke 11:1-13

The term father can elicit a lot of emotions. It can be the source of great comfort or one of great pain, yet Jesus taught us to pray "Our Father". What does this essential attribute of God reveal to us about him? Join us as we consider The God Who Is The Good Father.


June 12, 2022
Assorted Scriptures

A.W. Tozer said, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." Assuming that is so, it is critical to think correctly about God, yet we live in a comfort-seeking society that has largely ignored, twisted, and weakened the true nature and attributes of the Creator in order to remake a God that is more palatable to us and others. What kind of God do we worship and what difference does it make?


June 5, 2022
2 Timothy 3:14-17

This Sunday as we begin our Truths For Life series, we turn our attention to the doctrine upon which all other doctrines ultimately find their origin, the doctrine of revelation. If God hasn't revealed himself, then anything we know about him is purely conjecture. But what does this fundamental doctrine have to do with everyday life? What does it mean for us in the day in and day out nitty-gritty of life? Join us as we will consider how this truth is for life.


May 29, 2022
John 21:20-25

This week we conclude our study in John's Gospel with chapter 21:20-25. In this third section of his epilogue, we will see that John urges us to live out the belief that he has encouraged us to throughout his Gospel. Join us for this last sermon in our Magnificent Messiah series.


May 22, 2022
John 21:15-19

In John chapter 18, we saw Peter deny Christ three times around a charcoal fire. Now in John chapter 21:15-19, we will see him make three affirmations around a charcoal fire. In this personal moment, we are given a picture of the restoring shepherd. Join us as we look at this restoring conversation.


May 15, 2022
John 21:1-14

As the Gospel of John draws to a close, Jesus will share a meal with the disciples that will prepare them for the task ahead. Join us as we consider the significance behind all that takes place around the charcoal fire in this final meal in John's Gospel.


May 8, 2022
John 20:30-31

The gospel account of the apostle John significantly differs from those of the other gospel writers. In fact, about 90% of John is unique, and unbelievers are most often pointed to this one book of the Scriptures for evangelistic reasons. Why? John sums up the reasons for penning his gospel in these two verses.


May 1, 2022
John 20:24-29

Is it a sin to doubt or question God’s Word? Must all doubts be erased in our mind to have faith? Doubt is like fear–we all struggle with it, and the important thing is what we do with it. Join us to see how our doubts can either strengthen or weaken our faith. 


April 24, 2022
John 20:19-23

We all hope for certain things to happen–things we have not yet realized (“Hope that is seen is not hope. Who hopes for what he sees?” - Rom. 8:24-25). Most people hope that there is some kind of existence after death. But what differentiates your hope from mere wishful thinking? 


April 17, 2022
John 20:1-18

"He is Risen!" This truth radically transformed the lives of Jesus' first followers and many more. Join us for this Easter message to celebrate the resurrection of Christ as we encounter and embrace belief in John 20:1-18! 


April 10, 2022
John 19:28-42

In John 19:28-42, we hear, "It is finished," the final declaration of Jesus from the cross. As we look to Jesus' death and his burial, we see how all has happened according to God's plan and it moves people to a response. Join us as we consider Jesus’ finished work. 


April 3, 2022
John 19:16b-27

"At the cross, at the cross"... is a familiar refrain from a classic hymn by Isaac Watts and Ralph E. Hudson. In it, they remind us that the cross reveals much to us; it is where we see the light. This week we look at John's account of Jesus' crucifixion and see that John is presenting several cosmological truths that go far beyond the gory details. Join us as we turn our attention to these truths in John 19:16b-27.


March 27, 2022
James 1:1-12

Stepping out of the Gospel of John this week, we look to James and find that in the trials we face, we are to count it all Joy!


March 20, 2022
John 19:1-16a

As the Passion event continues to unfold we are invited to see how truly different Jesus kingship is. Without realizing it the individuals participating in these demeaning and degrading acts are actually participating in the coronation of the King of kings. Join us Sunday as we look at John 19:1-16a and Behold the King.


March 13, 2022
John 18:28-40

When one becomes a follower of Jesus Christ, he or she suddenly find themselves with dual citizenship, having to navigate the kingdoms of the both the world and Heaven. Both demand loyalty and therein lies the challenge. Which do we believe? How is truth to be determined?


March 6, 2022
John 18:12-27

Though Jesus Christ was innocence personified, he was condemned by both Jews and Gentiles. Would he have fared differently today?...and has Peter gotten a “bad rap’ for his denial of his Lord?


February 27, 2022
John 18:1-11

Jesus said that, in order to follow him, one should first count the cost (Luke 9:23), a sober warning that stands in bold contrast to the “easy believism” that characterizes so much of modern evangelism today. Jesus knew what it would cost him, but we don’t always know what lies ahead for us personally. How did Jesus exemplify the kind of faith that God is looking for in us?


February 20, 2022
John 17:20-26

Jesus brings his High Priestly Prayer to a close by switching to a new focus. Now he prays for those who will believe, their unity, and their witness to the world. Let us consider how Jesus prays for their unity.


February 13, 2022
John 17:6-19

 This week we return to the High Priestly Prayer where Jesus transitions to a new focus. His focus now becomes praying for his immediate disciples. Let us look at what Jesus prays for them and how this is God's work in the lives of all believers.


February 6, 2022
John 17:1-5

As we return to John's Gospel, we are drawn into a prayer of Christ. In this quiet moment before his death, Jesus prays for three things. This week we look at the first portion of this prayer as Jesus turns his eyes towards his heavenly father. Join us as we consider Jesus Praying For Glory. 


January 30, 2022
Romans 12:9-13

There is a high likelihood that we know prayer is talking to God and that we ‘should’ likely do more of it.  Our PRAYER for our time together is that we would be increasingly growing from knowledge to a more profound commitment to a deep devotion to pray because we KNOW our heavenly Father wants to spend time with us. Take some time before listening to this message to prepare your hearts/minds by reading the following passages: Acts 1:14/Acts 2:24/ Romans 12:1-21/Colossians 4:2-6/ 1Peter 4:7-11/ Matt 6:5-6


January 23, 2022
Hebrews 10:24-25

There are many today who identify as Christians who do not attend a church, and the recent pandemic has surely contributed to that situation, at least for the time being. Other churches have launched “virtual churches” with virtual pastors, offering the contemporary, on-the-go believer the option and comfort of stay-at-home worship. What is the future of the church, and what importance does the Bible place upon the need to gather? Listen in to hear about the reason for church!


January 16, 2022
1 Peter 2:2-3

A house is only as secure as the foundation it sits upon, and an individual's confidence and outlook on life depend largely on the reliability of the "truths" he or she has accepted and holds dear. What are you building your life upon? There is only one "firm foundation!


January 2, 2022
Matthew 25:14-30

Do you want to grow in your faith in 2022? We hope you do. Join us starting THIS Sunday for a 4-week series on being COMMITTED! We will look at 4 aspects of the spiritual life that you can commit yourself to that will foster spiritual growth in your life for 2022.


December 26, 2021
Matthew 2:1-12

If there is one thing that all of us long for, it is peace, whether on a worldwide scale or personally. Why? Because even the “good” things people desire that they think will bring happiness (material wealth, health, etc.) cannot be enjoyed if there is no peace to go along with it all, and life has a way of upending our peace. Interestingly, the Christmas story, and in particular Mary and Joseph, illustrate for us the real basis for lasting peace despite the unavoidable hard things we encounter. Join us for week 4 of our Advent series.


December 19, 2021
Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-25

If there is one thing that all of us long for, it is peace, whether on a worldwide scale or personally. Why? Because even the “good” things people desire that they think will bring happiness (material wealth, health, etc.) cannot be enjoyed if there is no peace to go along with it all, and life has a way of upending our peace. Interestingly, the Christmas story, and in particular Mary and Joseph, illustrate for us the real basis for lasting peace despite the unavoidable hard things we encounter. Join us for week 4 of our Advent series.


December 12, 2021
Luke 1:39-56

After Gabriel's visit to Mary, she goes to visit Elizabeth. When she arrives the joy of God's people arises in them as a result of the incarnation. This week we will look at the joy that God's intervention at Christmas produces in his people. Listen in for week 3 of Advent.


December 5, 2021
Luke 1:26-38

The season of Advent is intended to remind us of what God has done in the first arrival of Jesus and help us to wait for his second arrival. This week in Luke 1:26-38 we will consider how God's plan, Mary's response, and how we can likewise have faith as we anxiously await his second coming. Join us for week 2 in our Advent series, "He's Coming".


November 28, 2021
Isaiah 9:1-6

For centuries the nation of Israel looked forward to a promised deliverer–the Messiah, foretold by their prophets. What they couldn’t see (and later, so many of them wouldn’t recognize) is that this individual wouldn’t be just a great man, but God becoming flesh and blood to save all men from their sin. As one Christmas carol puts it, “What a Savior! What a friend! What a glorious mystery! Once a babe in Bethlehem, now the Lord of hist’ry.” Join us this as we begin Advent!


November 21, 2021
John 16:25-33

Knowing his followers would face incredible odds, Jesus gave his disciples one last encouragement before his departure–a note of hope and confidence that would not be for them only but for all of those who would come after them, throughout the Church Age, until his final return. Later, the apostle Paul would call Christians “more than conquerors.” How can we today be encouraged by these words?


November 14, 2021
John 16:16-33

Although we are promised difficulties in this life and the suffering produced by losses, the believer possesses a joy that can never be taken away--eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord!


November 7, 2021
John 16:4b-15

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are all called to be "laborers" in God's harvest of souls for His kingdom. The work is daunting, to be sure, for the field of the harvest is so often indifferent or even hostile. However, our Lord has promised that we don't labor alone, in fact, the effectiveness of the harvest depends on our powerful ally, the Holy Spirit.


October 31, 2021
John 15:18-16:4a

As Jesus continues to prepare the disciples for what it will be like after he leaves, he shifts his focus. He wants to prepare them to receive the animosity that he received. This week we will look at how our relationship with Christ enables us to live as people who are Out of but Still In the World.


October 24, 2021
John 15:9-17

Following his vine metaphor, Jesus moves to encouraging the disciples to consider his love for them and the outcome it should produce. This week we will consider the love of God for his people and our response to it. Join us as we reflect upon God's love for us and how we should live in light of it.


October 17, 2021
John 15:1-8 

In his seventh, and final formal, "I Am" statement, Jesus presents us with a profound picture of discipleship. In it we are challenged to consider a series of promises, exhortations, and warnings. Join us as we dive into this profound metaphor.


October 10, 2021
John 14:15-31 

When facing unfamiliar situations, it's certainly comforting to have an expert on hand as a resource and advocate. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus promised his followers such a "helper" to assist them in their ongoing work for his kingdom and to provide necessary strength when confronting the issues of life.


October 3, 2021
John 14:1-14 

Throughout history, Jesus Christ has always been an admired figure, regardless of a person’s religious persuasion (or lack thereof). But merely admiring a person has its limitations. A further step would be expressing devotion to the one we admire–an athlete’s devotion to a coach, for example, or a soldier to his or her officer. But the claims of Jesus require a commitment that goes beyond mere devotion, if we truly believe the incredible things he said about himself.


September 26, 2021
John 13:31-38 

Judas has left the community of faith and now Jesus transitions the discussion to his impending death. As this transition occurs, he continues to prepare them for what is to come and he reveals a shocking truth, that God will be glorified in what is to come. Join us as we consider how Christ's work displays how God's ways are utterly different than ours.


September 19, 2021
John 13:18-30 

As we continue to witness the unfolding events of the evening Jesus is betrayed, we are encouraged to belief. In the proceeding events, Jesus shares why he is revealing things ahead of time. Join us as we consider the purpose behind his prophecy.


September 12, 2021
John 13:1-17 

This week we're back in the Gospel of John. In our passage, John 13:1-17, we are welcomed into an intimate moment amongst close friends. This moment points forward to the greatest moment of sacrifice and service. Join us as we look at this beautiful picture of Jesus’ love.


September 5, 2021
1 Peter 5:6-14  

As Peter closes his letter to the churches he gives them some final instructions to remain victorious in the face of suffering. Join us as we finish the epistle of First Peter and consider his encouragement to believers and how he tells us we can win the fight before us.


August 29, 2021
1 Peter 5:1-5  

When a community of people is strongly united it can withstand a variety of external forces and pressures. It can often be difficult maintaining that unity in the midst of such circumstances. In 1 Peter 5:1-5, we will see that Peter encourages the church to remain unified through their shared commitment to several things. Listen in to this timely passage!


August 22, 2021
1 Peter 4:12-19  

We inhabit a fallen, cursed world with a powerful adversary, and despite the bright promise of a blissful, eternal life in heaven, none of us will leave this world unscathed. It is not a question of whether we will encounter hard times and situations, but when and how they will come and, most importantly, how we as believers should respond. Join us this Sunday to see God’s purpose for suffering and how we can navigate it.


August 15, 2021
1 Peter 4:1-11  

A people for His own possession! A chosen race! A holy nation! Yet, we still have conflict and struggles in this life with relationships, life circumstances, even outright angst against the follower of Jesus from within our own culture. Expect to be encouraged from this message for practical instruction that is based on Jesus’ undergoing suffering for the purpose of bringing many to God… We can arm ourselves with this same mindset and know we are walking in the very will of God for our lives. 


August 8, 2021
1 Peter 3:13-22  

There are times in life when doing the right thing will be costly, and potentially even painful. This has been true for the people of God throughout history, and continues even today. The question then becomes, what will we do? As we continue on in 1 Peter 3:13-22, we will see Peter's Holy Spirit-inspired encouragement to believers facing suffering for doing good.


August 1, 2021
1 Peter 3:8-12  

How should believers seek to live peaceably amidst the pressures of a society that seems to be growing increasingly hostile to our values? We must neither compromise on the one hand and lose our “saltiness” nor be aggressively reactive on the other. The apostle Peter provides some practical guidelines as to how to conduct ourselves in a “contrary” culture.


July 25, 2021
1 Peter 3:1-7  

The attack on the institution of marriage has been going on for decades in Western society. Human sin and humanistic philosophies have contributed to broken marriages, unhappy marriages, and marriages redefined to suit "dishonorable passions" (Rom. 1). It all began in a garden at the dawn of human history when the Lord cursed our first ancestors. Even so, the apostle Peter provides us with wise guidelines to maintain harmony in the home.


July 18, 2021
1 Peter 2:18-25  

Life has a way of presenting us with many things we would rather not experience. One of those is unjust treatment. The question is not if it will happen but how we will respond when it does. Join us as we consider how to respond like Jesus when we experience unjust treatment.


July 11, 2021
1 Peter 2:11-17  

What's a 3-year old's favorite question?  Why?  This week we'll be looking at 1 Peter 2:11-17 which helps us understand how we're to relate to others and the government and answers the why question.  Why should I behave?  Listen in to find out!


July 4, 2021
1 Peter 1:22-2:10  

The Word of God at work in his people has the ability to produce incredible results. This week we will look at how the Word working has the ability to create a new kind of community. Join us as we consider what it means to be A New Kind of People.


June 27, 2021
Matthew 28:19-20  

The words spoken by Jesus in Matthew 28: 19-20 are our marching orders to reach the nations with the Gospel of the kingdom. How are we doing today in fulfilling that command, and what are the challenges remaining?


June 20, 2021
1 Peter 1:13-21  

It is often said that the imperative follows the indicative in the Bible, who we are informs how we live. This week we will look at 1 Peter 1:13-21 which emphasizes this multiple times. Join us as we consider both who we are and how we should live.


June 13, 2021
1 Peter 1:3-12  

The Scripture informs us that "without faith it is impossible to please God" (Heb. 11:6). How strong is your faith? How does one measure the level of one's faith and what is our human responsibility in cultivating it? Join us to find out!


June 6, 2021
1 Peter 1:1-2   

As Peter begins his letter to the churches he reminds them of several important truths, each of which are critical as they receive his letter. In this message we will look at how Peter begins his letter and see how these truths are likewise important for us. Join us for our "Away From Home" series as we begin 1 Peter.


May 30, 2021
1 John 2:6; Luke 5:27-32, 7:36-50, 19:1-10   

When we look at Jesus we see humanity perfectly exemplified; he was the only perfect human, ever. With that in mind we will conclude our Art of Neighboring series by considering how Jesus loved his neighbors. Here we will look at three interactions Jesus had with others and see how we can love our neighbors like Jesus.


May 23, 2021
Assorted Scripture   

Aside from the time factor discussed last week, there is often a hesitancy in getting to know our neighbors because of an initial awkwardness we feel or fear of how they may respond to our overtures. Yet Jesus calls us to be a “light” to others, with the obvious implication that those others need to know us before they can see the light! We will discuss practical ways to build confidence in ourselves and build bridges to those who live around us.


May 16, 2021
Luke 10:38-42   

Time is among our most precious and valuable assets. When it comes to loving our literal neighbors, my greatest anxiety is the time it will require to be obedient to this…. I love people and love to hear their stories and I love to step in and help, yet so many other important things (and maybe not so important things?) and real ministry away from my neighborhood also vie for my attention. I look forward to sharing what the Word has spoken to me and just maybe the Holy Spirit will be changing our hearts together. 


May 9, 2021
Luke 10:25-37    

This week we continue our Art of Neighboring series by again looking at the parable of the Good Samaritan. Last week, Jerry primed the pump and let’s keep it going. We will consider how we can practically apply this to our daily lives with those who live closest to us.


May 2, 2021
Luke 10:25-37    

Join us as we begin our series on the Art of Neighboring!


April 25, 2021
John 12:44-50        

An old song from the turbulent decade of the 60's goes:

“Is our hope in walnut shells, worn round the neck with temple bells,
 Or deep within some cloistered walls where hooded figures pray in halls,
 Or crumbled books on dusty shelves, or in our stars, or in ourselves . . .
 Who will answer?”

The fact is that mankind has been given the answer to such hope, and it is found in the text we will look at here!


April 18, 2021
John 12:37-43         

How do you distinguish between these three important words found in the Bible: belief, faith, and trust--words that usually define a believer? Are there degrees of unbelief, and can a person "believe in" Jesus and still not go to heaven? What we think about these words has critical implications for us all!


April 11, 2021
John 12:27-36         

There are somethings that simply do not make sense to the natural human mind - the cross is one of those. This week we will look at several aspects of the cross as Jesus' hour continues to draw closer. We will see what John 12:27-36 has to say about the cross


April 4, 2021
John 3:16         

He is risen! What a joyful and wonderful declaration. As we consider the resurrection of Christ, we are reminded about how much God loves us. We're excited to celebrate our savior's resurrection and display of God's love with you!


March 28, 2021
John 12:20-26         

What does it take for our perspectives to be altered? This week we will see how the glorification of Jesus, his resurrection, alters our views. Join us as we look at John 12:20-26.


March 21, 2021
John 12:12-19         

The King has arrived! This week we look at the Triumphal Entry of Jesus found in John 12:12-19. The people welcome their King, but little do they know they are welcoming a different kind of king. Join us as we look at the Unexpected King's Arrival.


March 14, 2021
John 12:1-11         

Jesus said that the greatest of all the commandment was to, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength." So, whatever else we do in life, we don't want to neglect that one! Keeping his commandments is certainly a sign of our love for him (John 14:21), but how do we avoid that becoming a legalist check list? How do we show our heart-felt devotion to our Lord? In this message we'll see how three siblings illustrate true devotion.


March 7, 2021
John 11:45-57         

Raising Lazarus from the dead was certainly an amazing miracle that vindicated the unique claims of Jesus. How do you think such a miracle would impact people today? Although we do not personally possess such divine power today, we can at least be part of such a miracle! How? Listen now!


February 28, 2021
John 11:28-44         

The world is full of suffering, troubles, and trials. In the midst of all of it there are times where it might feel like God is silent. What do we do in these times? What do we do when we're faced with the consequences of a broken world? This week we finish the passage of Lazarus being raised from the dead and we will see what it reveals to us about God's response to the condition of our world.


February 21, 2021
John 11:17-27         

In this message, we continue to look at the passage about the resurrection of Lazarus. This Sunday we will look at Jesus’ interaction with Martha. Their conversation provides Jesus the opportunity to make an enduring promise to those who believe.


February 7, 2021
John 11:1-16         

This week we begin looking at one particular event in the ministry of Jesus that we will cover over 4 weeks-the raising of Lazarus. Found in John 11:1-44 we are invited to consider many truths as we are presented with the last sign of John's Gospel prior to Christ's resurrection. As a way to prepare, read the whole section and here we will consider verses 1-16.


January 31, 2021
John 10:22-42         

As we continue in our study of the Gospel of John, Jesus reinforces a familiar truth to John’s Gospel…that when we see Jesus at work we are seeing the work of the Father as if it was done by the Father himself. This was a startling idea to the people of Jesus’ day.


January 24, 2021
John 10:1-21           

Have you ever had someone remember your name when you did not expect them to or have you ever been caught off guard when the Starbucks barista or waitress at the restaurant remembered your name and your order? How did that make you feel? This week we turn to an intensely personal passage where Jesus affirms many things about his relationship with us, one of which is knowing our names.


January 17, 2021
John 9:26-41           

How can a seeing person be blind at the same time? Listen as Pastor Craig continues unfolding the sermon series in the Book of John.


January 10, 2021
John 9:13-25           

Have you ever prayed for a miracle (and who hasn’t!)? What kind of difference do you think it would make to the average person if God were to work more miracles today? The Scripture indicates that we can expect various reactions by others to the work of God in a person’s life, and even in dark times–miracle or not–the believer can still be a powerful witness for Christ.


January 3, 2021
John 9:1-12           

An encounter with Jesus can lead to a life changing transformation. This week we will look at one such encounter as we continue our study in the Gospel of John when Jesus heals a man born blind in John 9:1-12. We hope you'll join us as we kick off 2021 looking at this man's dramatic change.


December 27, 2020
1 Corinthians 15:50-58           

Pastor Alan will be bringing a message of encouragement as we close out 2020 and prepare our hearts for 2021. 


December 20, 2020
Luke 2:8-14           

The angels' announcement of the birth of Christ included a promise of peace, yet there has been no worldwide "peace on earth" for the past 2,000 years since those words were spoken! What's going on?


December 13, 2020
Luke 2:8-20           

The world is filled with news reports and messages about many things. Some reports bring good news and others not so good. Some with great fanfare and others with little. Here we look at the message given to the lowly shepherds in a field, the greatest news that has ever been told! 


December 6, 2020
Matthew 2:1-12           

 If this past year's events have served to heighten your sense of uncertainty, there is always one thing we can depend on--Christmas! It dependably comes around each year and serves to offer a stable, warmly-anticipated tradition. We can plan on it! So also, the "first Christmas" might have seemed like a haphazard series of events but was, in reality, a well-planned orchestration under our sovereign God. What about your life, and what about now? Find comfort and stability as we discuss the providential hand of God!


November 29, 2020
Isaiah 9:1-7           

The Christmas season is upon us and this week we begin Advent, an intentional time where we will direct our attention to the incarnation of Christ. We start by looking at Isaiah's prophecy of the coming messiah and the hope he would bring for the people of God.


November 22, 2020
John 8:48-59           

The Westminster Shorter Catechism starts with this question “What is the chief end of man?” and gives this answer, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.” But how do we go about glorifying God? We look at John 8:48-59 and see how Jesus glorified the Father.


November 15, 2020
John 8:31-47           

 What one thing is truly necessary in the midst of conflict of any kind, be you in King County or anywhere in the King's country? Steve, our special speaker, provides the answer to this important question as he shares with us from God's Word.


November 8, 2020
Psalm 27:1-6            

 What one thing is truly necessary in the midst of conflict of any kind, be you in King County or anywhere in the King's country? Steve, our special speaker, provides the answer to this important question as he shares with us from God's Word.


November 1, 2020
John 8:21-30             

 Jesus’ kingdom was not of this world; he knew where he came from, why he was here, and where he was going, and he stressed the importance that we know it as well. We, on the other hand, are naturally citizens of this world by birth and–according to Scripture–by choice. Have you exchanged your citizenship?


October 25, 2020
John 8:12-20             

Walking in the dark can be disorienting. Perhaps you've experienced a time where you tried to walk around your house with the lights off. If you're like me you might have stumbled over something or walked into a piece of furniture. In our passage this week, John 8:12-20, Jesus declares that if we follow him we will not walk in darkness. But what does this mean? Let’s look at this startling declaration by Jesus.


October 18, 2020
John 7:53-8:11             

People tend toward extremes when reacting to others' sins. How do you score? The world is watching us for better or worse, and our best recourse as believers is, of course, to follow Jesus' example. Join in to observe his response in a classic encounter with sinners of various stripes.


October 11, 2020
John 7:40-52             

There are lots of questions that surround the person and work of Jesus. If you ask any adult their perspective on him, you will get a variety of answers. This isn't new, in fact, it has been occurring for almost 2000 years. These varying opinions of who Jesus is have caused divisions throughout history. We will look at John 7:40-52 and see the divisions amongst the people of his day and consider their varying responses.


October 4, 2020
John 7:36-39             

St. Augustine of Hippo, considered one of the most powerful intellects of history, once said, “Thou hast made us for Thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in Thee.” We are continually tempted to find satisfaction in all manners of experience, in fact, the advertising industry appeals to our chronic discontent. Where can we find lasting satisfaction? To the weary, Jesus offers rest for our souls; to the hungry, he is the bread of life, and to the thirsty, he provides living, inexhaustible water. Come and drink from the well of God's Word!


September 27, 2020
John 7:25-36        

The million-dollar question. That is what is presented to us this week. Is Jesus the Christ? As we consider this question from John 7:25-36, we will discover the answer and see the significance for our life. Listen as we continue our study in John about the Magnificent Messiah. 


September 20, 2020
John 7:14-24

It is said that Jesus never offered an opinion, but he did say some incredible things that provoked the authorities to attempt to silence him. How did he back up the things he said? How do we? Or are we just offering an opinion? Listen in to find out!


September 13, 2020
John 7:1-13             

This week, we return to the Gospel of John. We will pick back up where we left off in John 7:1-13, and we will see what truly drives Jesus. If you have time, reread John chapters 1-6 to be reminded about what has happened so far in this Gospel.


September 6, 2020
Hebrews 11:1-12:2             

As we bring our summer series, Faith Over Fear, to a close we will look at one of the quintessential passages on faith in the Bible. In Hebrews 11:1-12:2, which has often been called the Hall Of Faith, we will see how the stories of old can encourage and show us how faith plays out in life.


August 30, 2020
2 Chronicles 20:1-12             

Have you ever found yourself in a situation that caused great fear? One where you did not know how to respond or what to do? In Philippians 4:6, we're told not to be anxious, but pray about everything. In 2 Chronicles 20:1-12, we will look at a time in Israel's history when they didn't know what to do and how they turned to God in prayer.


August 23, 2020
Genesis 37-50             

So spoke Joseph to his brothers who had sold him into slavery. But God had a greater purpose, and you and I can rest in the security of knowing that we have a sovereign God who works all things out together for our good and His glory!


August 16, 2020
Psalm 62              

Faith Over Fear series: Do you ever fear the world about you is crumbling to pieces, that there is no solid ground? In times of suffering and uncertainty, it is a natural thing to feel fear. And yet God promises a refuge from despair, a place of rest and peace. Psalm 62 was written by David as a reminder and an assurance that God gives us a hope that cannot be shaken by any circumstances.


August 9, 2020
1 Kings 19:1-18               

Faith Over Fear series: Have you ever felt totally alone and completely abandoned by everyone you expected to stand by you? That it was you verses the world and the world was going to win? Sometimes these moments come at no fault of our own. In 1 Kings 19:1-18, we will look at a time when one of God's prophets experienced one of these moments, and we will see how God meets him in the midst of his despair.


August 3, 2020
Ruth 1-4

Faith Over Fear series: When you are faced with life's fears, how do you respond?  Do you exercise faith to walk in honor before God, knowing that He is Sovereign, or do you react as the rest of the world reacts?  In the book of Ruth, we see how Ruth, Boaz and Naomi reacted to life's fears such as loss, racial prejudice, and rejection and whether their responses show honor in the face of fear.


July 26, 2020
Genesis 32:22-32 

“I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.”  ~Revelation 3:11

Faith Over Fear series: Believers are typically encouraged to “trust in the Lord” as an antidote to their fears. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? The path to such trusting, however, may be a bit more complicated than it sounds due to our natural tendencies, as illustrated in the life of the patriarch Jacob. See if you can identify with his challenges!


July 19, 2020
Psalm 16

Continuing our summer sermon series, Faith Over Fear, this week we are looking at Psalm 16.


July 12, 2020
Job 1-2

This week we start our summer sermon series, Faith Over Fear.  Each week we will look at a different passage that speaks to us about having faith instead of fear. To start us off, we will look at the opening chapters of the book of Job and see how we can have faith instead of fearing the uncontrollables.


July 5, 2020
John 6:60-71

People, by and large, like Jesus--at least the saccharized version that most are nominally familiar with and benignly tolerate. But Jesus suffers neither fools nor fence-straddlers, for he said, "Whoever is not with me is against me" (Matt. 12:30). That is just one of many sayings of Jesus that some find hard to accept. Hear about some others and decide which side of the fence appeals to you!


June 28, 2020
John 6:52-59

It seems like science is constantly on the search for life. Regularly we hear that scientists have found a new planet that could support life or that there might be water on Mars that might have life. The scientific community is looking for life "out there." But what about down here? Are we searching for life here and what kind of life at that? Look for Life That Lasts according to Jesus in John 6:52-59.


June 21, 2020
John 6:41-51

Have you ever been captivated by the beauty of something? Maybe it is the grandeur of Mount Rainier, a bride on her wedding day, or a newly formed California Poppy. When we are captivated by something it holds our attention. We will look at John 6:41-51 and see the activity of God in our lives which should likewise captivate us.


June 14, 2020
John 6:30-40

What are people searching for today? If you think it is Jesus, then why is he so hard for people to find? Just having an appetite for spirituality isn't enough, though, and religion may not be the kind of "nutrition" that will sustain eternal life! Come see why Jesus is the true bread of life.


June 7, 2020
John 6:22-29

Seeking after things seems to be hardwired into humanity. We're prone to seek after many things. We seek after food, security, meaning, and many other things. But is it possible for us to seek the wrong things? Join us this Sunday in the parking lot to see what Jesus says about our seeking in John 6:22-29.


May 31, 2020
John 6:15-21

Have you ever felt, in times of uncertainty or trouble, that the Lord is absent or unconcerned about your situation? Or, have you been surprised when he does "show up" in a way you never anticipated? Join us in a lesson from scripture about expecting the unexpected!


May 24, 2020
John 6:1-15

When someone does something their actions communicate to us something about their character and their abilities. In our passage this week Jesus will reveal to us some of the character and abilities of God. As we look at John 6:1-15, we will see how Jesus answers a tangible need of the crowd that is following him.


May 17, 2020
John 5:30-47

Everyone likes Jesus; even critics of Christianity admire the person of Jesus Christ--his virtue, compassion, etc.--but most don't realize the inconsistency this reveals with them when considering what he actually said! Why should we believe him? See how Jesus defended himself and how we can use his testimony to gain a hearing with others for the gospel.


May 10, 2020
John 5:18-29

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to misunderstand someone? We think they mean one thing but it becomes clear they meant something else. We interpret their actions and words in ways that they never intended. It is easy and happens all the time. Now, consider how much easier that is to do with God. We will look at John 5:18-29 and see who Jesus is, what belongs to him and why it matters.


May 3, 2020
John 5:1-17

How many of us long to see the power of God at work in our lives--perhaps even a miracle, yet the irony is that we ourselves may suppress the life-changing work of God we long for. Do you know the first requirement for inviting God's activity in and through us?


April 26, 2020
John 4:43-54

Have you ever gotten the sense that someone was simply using you? Maybe you thought that the entire reason they were talking to you was to get something out of you. We don't like that feeling do we? The irony is that humanity is prone to doing this very thing with God. This week as we continue through John's Gospel we will see this clearly on display.


April 19, 2020
John 4:27-45

The current pandemic we are experiencing has brought widespread fear and readjustments to our lifestyle, because this virus is so very contagious and can result in serious sickness and death. What if there were something that could also be passed from one person to others that would bring life?! And joy! Of course, we're talking of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


April 12, 2020 Resurrection Sunday
1 Corinthians 15:1-11

He is risen!....He is risen indeed!!! What an amazing truth! One that has echoed throughout the ages since that first Easter Sunday almost 2000 years ago. As we focus on the resurrection it will call us to and remind us of hope. Hope that only the Gospel brings. Hope that is found only in the resurrection. An enduring  hope is something we could all be reminded of right now.


April 5, 2020
John 4:1-30

As we continue in John's Gospel, we will see a conversation where, on a human level, two vastly different worlds come together.


March 29, 2020
John 3:22-36

Worship And The Word week 2. “He must increase, but I must decrease.”


March 22, 2020
John 3:16-21

Our first message from our weekly online Worship And The Word. We take a look at what is perhaps the most well known Bible verse and see what it means for us.


March 15, 2020

We had to cancel church at the last minute this week, so there is no message.


March 8, 2020
John 3:1-15

How religious does a person need to be to "get on God's side'" and enter heaven? The passage we'll be dealing with on Sunday reveals the curse that all people everywhere are afflicted with and the only place we can look for a certain cure. As a man named Nicodemus discovered, it's not about religion--it's all about Jesus!


March 1, 2020
John 2:13-25

What is worship? Why does God care about our worship? Is it possible to have our worship be misguided? We will look at a conflict between Jesus and the religious authorities over the issue of worship.


February 23, 2020
John 2:1-15

Do you want to see God''s activity in your life? We all naturally tend (if possible) to squelch problems and needs that arise, yet it is our loving Lord that not only allows, but even engineers, those uncomfortable things in life we encounter. We will look at how problems, the power of God, faith, and glory relate.


February 16, 2020
John 1:43-51

When we encounter something significant we feel the need to share it with others. It is something we simply can't keep to ourselves. This week, in John 1:43-51, we will look at the call to follow Jesus and how Philip invites a friend to "come and see" him.


February 9, 2020
John 1:35-42

What does it mean to be a "seeker" of Jesus Christ? Does that terminate upon a person's conversion? To seek Jesus is to have a certain goal or result in mind. So also, if we truly encounter him, Jesus seeks something of us.


February 2, 2020
John 1:29-34

In a court case one of the crucial pieces of the trial can be eyewitness testimony. In John 1:29-34 this week we will look at the twin testimonies of John the Baptist and the Holy Spirit as they call us to behold the Lamb of God. What do these testimonies have to say to us today and what is our response to the Lamb?


January 26, 2020
John 1:19-28

We who are followers of Jesus Christ are called to be a “light” in this world to reflect the glory of our Lord. Two thousand years ago another such “lesser light” appeared–a strange but incandescent man named John whose mission was to illuminate the way for the coming Messiah. John’s calling was given him before he was born; he knew who he was, what he was, and why he had been born. Just who do you think YOU are?


January 19, 2020
John 1:14-18

Have you ever thought someone was doing or saying one thing, but you ended up being completely wrong? It is easy to have misunderstandings about someone, until we get a clearer picture. This was equally true with God. This Sunday we will be looking at the end of John's prologue, John 1:14-18, and see why Jesus was so critical to having a proper understanding of who God is.


January 12, 2020
John 1:6-13

Light and darkness crop up frequently in the Bible as metaphors, and we all use them similarly as well. For example, do you prefer to be "enlightened" or "kept in the dark" regarding an important issue that affects you? An important issue that affects us all is our spiritual condition--that which impacts our eternal destiny. We'll see how God has provided sufficient light for all to see in His son, Jesus Christ, and how we may respond differently to that light.


January 5, 2020
John 1:1-5

We are starting a new series called "The Magnificent Messiah: A Study in John's Gospel". In his Gospel the Apostle John seeks to reveal to us who Jesus is and to help us be assured of our belief.