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October 13, 2019
Genesis 9:18-29, Genesis 11:1-9

We are immersed in a society that values individualism. "Do you own thing" seems to be our motto. But are there limitations to the exercise of our coveted independence or are we morally obliged to exercise great care with the impact we have--not only on those we come in contact with--but on those who come after us? The scripture wills illustrate for us the lasting legacy we have on others, whether good or bad, and challenge us to leave a godly heritage.


October 6, 2019
Genesis 8:15-9:17

Maybe you've heard the phrase "he is a man of his word" or "his word is his bond." If this can be true of imperfect humanity, how much more is this true of a perfect God. We will be looking at one of God's earliest commitments to humanity and see how he remains faithful even to today.


September 29, 2019

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September 22, 2019
Genesis 6:1-7:10

The next couple of weeks we’ll be looking at one of the most significant (and controversial) events in scripture and world history—the great flood of Noah’s day. A good way to prepare for these messages would be to read ahead in chapters 6, 7, and 8 of Genesis and ask yourself, “What do these events demonstrate about the nature of God?” or, “What example of faith and obedience does Noah present to us?”


September 15, 2019
Genesis 4:9-26

Sin has serious consequences, and they only seem to increase. What is the fallout of the second sin mentioned in the Bible? Where do we find God's grace in the midst of sin and how do we respond?


September 1, 2019
Genesis 4:1-8

To truly love the Lord one must be obedient to Him (John 14:21), doing those things that please God and NOT doing those things He expressly forbids (sin). Unfortunately, our very nature tends toward desiring things that God forbids and we too easily slip into a process that takes us from temptation to the acting out of sin. Fortunately, God has provided us a way to intervene in this process and "nip it in the bud."


August 25, 2019
Genesis 3:20-24

Faith and grace are recurrent (and vital) themes in the Bible. Do you know what the first expression of faith and the first act of grace were?


August 11, 2019
Genesis 3:14-19

In light of the recent tragedies our nation has endured, one is tempted to ask, "Why is evil so rampant, and Is there any hope for us?" We (as people groups) are quick to point finger of blame at someone else. Skeptics jump into the fray with by insisting, "If God were really all-powerful and all-good, why does he allow such evil to persist?" The answer to these questions if found in Genesis.


August 4, 2019

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July 28, 2019
Genesis 3:1-6

A popular adage says, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" Although that statement didn't have its origin with the devil, he probably would heartily agree with it since, as the father of lies, he hasn't had to alter the basic three falsehoods with which he as ensnared human beings throughout history. Do you know what they are, or have you fallen prey to them?


June 30, 2019
Genesis 2:15-22

The institution of marriage between a man and a woman has been a universal and timeless tradition throughout all cultures around the world. Today it is being redefined and dismantled as never before, bringing forebodings to future generations. The meaning of anything is tied to its origin, and the origin and proscriptions for marriage were laid down by the Creator at the dawn of human history, as found in the pages of Genesis.


June 23, 2019
Genesis 2:5-17

What separates us from the animals? Not much, some would say--human beings are just a fortunate scramble of genetic stuff. God's Word says otherwise--that we were specially created and given a unique role. Knowing our origin provides us with a basis for understanding our responsibility to God and our habitation so that we can flourish as He intended.


June 16, 2019
Genesis 1:26-2:3

The psalmist asks, "What is man?" Many see us as nothing more than a "naked ape"--just a higher form of animal life but blessed with an extra measure of intelligence. Yet persistent questions have plagued men and women for ages: "Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going when I die?" The Scripture provides the answers to those questions and to what sets us apart from the animal kingdom.


June 9, 2019
Genesis 1:20-25

There is a mentality today that implies (if not taught outright) one must choose between “faith” and “facts”, or between “religion” and “science”. Undirected evolution is assumed to be true; it is accepted and taught in all disciplines of study and undermines the faith of our children and many other young, ill-equipped believers. If anyone should dare to question it, the fossil record is brought up as proof. But does the nature of evidence actually line up with Scripture or the textbook?

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June 2, 2019
Genesis 1:14-19

The Psalmist says, "The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." When he wrote that, around three thousand years ago, he could not have imagined how prophetic his words were, because the more we probe the heavens with our sophisticated instruments, the more they reveal the handiwork of God!


May 26, 2019
Genesis 1:6-13

How aware are you of the created world in your everyday life? What aspects of our natural world most inspire you and how does it affect your understanding of God? This Sunday's study of Genesis will hopefully provide you with a greater appreciation and firm foundation of faith in God's amazing handiwork!


May 12, 2019
Genesis 1:1-5

The evidence of our universe points to a beginning--the sovereign act of bringing something into being out of nothing by an all-powerful, supernatural Creator! What does this initial, unprecedented act reveal about the nature of our God, ourselves, and the world we live in? The Book of Genesis is all about origins and, as we mentioned in the previous message, the meaning of anything is tied up in its origins.


May 5, 2019
Genesis 1:1-5

The evidence of our universe points to a beginning--the sovereign act of bringing something into being out of nothing by an all-powerful, supernatural Creator! What does this initial, unprecedented act reveal about the nature of our God, ourselves, and the world we live in? The Book of Genesis is all about origins and, as we mentioned in the last message, the meaning of anything is tied up in its origins.


April 28, 2019
Genesis 1:1

How did it all begin--the universe? Life? Mankind? Language? Human law and government? Marriage? Religion? The solution to all of these mysteries is found in the opening pages of Scripture, in the Book of Genesis—the book in the Old Testament that is most often quoted by Jesus and the New Testament writers. Knowing Genesis is therefore foundational to understanding the origin of so many things about life and the world we live in.


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